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Invasive Basketry

Vines and Withies

Online Course


Weave with Me!

Join me as I walk you through my process exploring the wild and invasive vines outside my door, selecting appropriate weaving material, and processing it for baskets! I'll introduce you to some of my favorite vines and show you how I incorporate them into baskets - honeysuckle, bittersweet, wisteria, English ivy, and the infamous kudzu! Withy is a fun, Old English word for a sprout from a tree or shrub, mainly willow, but in this case refers to the many kinds of flexible woody shoots growing along the roadsides and field edges. Learn to choose appropriate withies, and incorporate them into baskets to add strength and vibrant color!


The first part of this course is focused on harvesting, drying, and processing material. In Part II, I show you how to weave three useful and beautiful baskets with the material you've prepared:

  • Appalachian Egg Basket

  • Hen Basket

  • Wild Vine Backpack


The class is composed of written instructions as well as immersive videos. In part 2 I show every step of the weaving process, broken up into smaller videos so you can return easily to the place where you left off and rewatch sections again. The course also includes an online forum where you can connect with other students, share your progress, and ask me questions!



$100-200 sliding scale.

You may choose what you would like to pay within that range.

*Students who register for both online courses may take 50% off the sliding scale for the second course!


This is an at-your-own-pace course, with instructional videos and written material, as well as a group forum to ask questions and share progress. Students will have access to all of the material and community forum forever. Feel free to begin now, and weave whenever you are ready!


**Late fall and winter are the best times to harvest vines and withies, as they tend to be easier to access while the verdant growth is dormant, the sap is down, leaves don't need to be removed. You can still harvest them in

spring and summer though, and I often do. At this time of year you can remove the bark for additional

weaving material!

The Baskets

A few good questions:


Do I need to live in Southern Appalachia to weave these baskets?

No! If you live where any of the above mentioned vines grow, or there are other vines growing close by that are flexible enough to wrap around your finger, you will be able to make these baskets. This includes most of North America and Europe, even East Asia which shares many plant species with Appalachia.


Can I start the course later in the year?

Yes, BUT, now is the ideal time to harvest vines and withies for basketweaving. They are easier to access in winter, when much of the other plant life has died back for the season. The vines will be stronger and more pliable harvested this time of year, with the bark fixed tightly, and less leaves to remove when processing. I do still harvest vines and withies at other times of the year, especially if I want to peel off the bark, or when it's the only time I have access to certain plants. However, late winter when I do most of my harvesting for the year's baskets!


What if I try the course, and it just isn't for me?

I'm happy to give you a full refund if you decide it's not your thing, and let me know within a month of giving it a go!


Will you show the entire process in your videos?

Yes! There are no 30-second overviews here. Sit back, relax, and watch me sweat in the kudzu patch, make a cup of tea while I tromp along the roadside cutting withies and dry my material by the wood stove. But then it will be your turn to explore and weave along with me (and I want to see photos of all you are doing too)!


Is your book coming out soon?

The book is nearly finished, but will take another year and a half to two years to make its way through the long publishing and printing process. When released, the book will be a great companion to the online course and your basketry exploration!


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